White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, aka Suckabee, is still drinking the White House Kool-Aid—the special blend of indignant righteous and aloof ramblings that allows for unfathomable levels of heartlessness.

On Tuesday, Suckabee had the audacity to claim that she would be a hypocrite if she didn’t treat everybody with respect since that’s the code she instills in her children.

“I’m going to continue to do exactly what I tell my kids to do,” Sanders told the White House press room Fox & Friends. “And that’s to treat everybody with respect, whether I disagree with them or not.”

Because Fox News is on the White House payroll, no one held Sanders feet to the flames. Suckabee has not only been the mouthpiece for Satan’s presidency, she’s been purposefully obtuse and openly insulting. Anyone remember the back and forth she had with CNN’s Jim Acosta in which she was questioned on why the White House was ripping migrant children away from their families? After being insistent and defiant that the White House was merely enforcing a law, she told Acosta that his inability to follow her answer might be because he struggles with even small words.

Or how could any of us forget several dustups she’s had with God’s favorite reporter, April Ryan?

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