Chuck Schumer: Trump lawyers’ argument that he can’t obstruct justice would be valid in...

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Saturday compared an argument made by President Trump's legal team to one that would be valid in a dictatorship. A letter obtained by The New York Times and...

Democrats urge Trump not to meet privately with Putin without other Americans present

Top Democratic senators penned a letter to President Donald Trump Saturday urging him not to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin alone during their scheduled summit Monday. The lawmakers wrote that if Trump insists on...

Mexicans Rise Up Against Rape and Official Indifference

Late on the night of Aug. 3, a 17-year-old found herself disoriented, walking the streets of Azcapotzalco in northern Mexico City after a party. Surveillance cameras show her getting out of a car and...

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Protesters confront McConnell leaving Kentucky restaurant

Protesters confronted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as he was leaving a restaurant in his home state on Saturday. The group threatened to vote McConnell out of office as he walked out of the...

Jessica Chastain Responds To Criticism Over All-White Magazine Cover

“The industry needs to become more inclusive in its storytelling.” Jessica Chastain responded Saturday to criticism for appearing on a Los Angeles Times magazine cover that featured only white women to promote a story on...

Trump spoke to an audience of American Jews

President Donald Trump seemed to refer to a crowd of Jewish Republicans as Israelis multiple times within a speech Saturday. Trump referred to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as "your prime minister" and railed against...

John Kelly Confirms He Was Lying All Along: The White House Is in Chaos

In an exit interview, the outgoing chief of staff tries to protect his legacy It will come as no surprise that the White House is in chaos, but what is shocking is that this fact...

Trump Is Following Bush’s War Playbook

In 2016, Donald Trump ran for president as the antiwar candidate. He called the invasion of Iraq reckless and self-destructive, and he claimed, falsely, that he had opposed it. He ridiculed Republicans who defended...

Rex Tillerson Says Trump Actively Avoided Confronting Russia Over Election Interference

Former Secretary of State met with leaders of the House Foreign Affairs committee on Tuesday. The Daily Beast reports: Tillerson reached out to the committee and expressed a willingness to meet, a committee aide said....

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