Assess Insurance Needs

You manage risk at the portfolio level; here's how to address it in other parts of your plan. One of Warren Buffett's most famous maxims is that there are two rules of investing. The first...

4 reasons why healthcare needs a digital code of ethics

In the wake of the HITECH Act of 2009, office-based physician adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) has nearly doubled as providers have taken advantage of meaningful use incentives. While the trend toward implementation...

How Sky-High Deductibles Broke The U.S. Health Insurance System

When Carla Jordan and her husband were hit with a cascade of serious medical issues, she knew that at least her family had health insurance through her job. What she didn’t realize was that...

Former Brentwood CEO sentenced to prison for health insurance scheme

A Brentwood man was sentenced to more than five years in prison for his role in a fraudulent health plan scheme that targeted people who were denied traditional health insurance due to pre-existing conditions. Timothy...

One tweet reveals sad reality of life in US

LAST week, a US woman was gravely hurt in a freak subway accident. After her leg slipped through the 12.7cm gap between the platform and train, the woman was so severely injured her thigh bone...

How Donald Trump Is Driving Up Health Insurance Premiums

Health insurance premiums for 2018 are on the rise for many, and for that, most of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of President Trump. In recent days, a bevy of insurers have announced...

Should Consumers Ever Prepay a Hospital Bill?

More hospitals are pushing patients to pay in advance. In some cases it may make sense. Two days before Katherine Lynch was due to give birth to her daughter, she got a call from the...

Nine companies hiring now that cover 100% of employee health insurance premiums

Since 2001, the number of employers on Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" list who provide full health coverage to employees has dropped from 34 percent to just 9 percent in 2016. But employee...

The Hidden Subsidy That Helps Pay for Health Insurance

As Republican senators work to fix their troubled health care bill, there is one giant health insurance subsidy no one is talking about. It is bigger than any offered under the Affordable Care Act —...

Will Your Health Insurance Cover You Overseas?

How to get and pay for the treatment you need if you get sick abroad If you’re traveling abroad this summer, the last thing you probably want to think about is what you'll do if...

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