Will Your Health Insurance Cover You Overseas?

How to get and pay for the treatment you need if you get sick abroad If you’re traveling abroad this summer, the last thing you probably want to think about is what you'll do if...

Lisa Murkowski Says She’s OK With Killing The Health Insurance Mandate

Projections suggest millions will lose coverage; the Alaska senator says she simply wants to allow choice.

The world’s most liveable city is in Europe — and U.S. didn’t even make...

The annual Mercer Quality of Living Survey is out, and not a single U.S. city even comes close to making the top 20. To get to the first U.S. city on Mercer’s list of most...

Tech-Focused Health Insurance Company Sets….

Tech-Focused Health Insurance Company Sets Its Sights On Austin's Obamacare Exchange A lot of attention has gone to the relatively few counties that may not have an insurer next year in the individual marketplaces created...

This Is How Much Trump’s Obamacare Sabotage Increased Health Insurance Costs

Rates are going up 7 percent to 38 percent more than they would have otherwise.

Lots of boos for US Senate health insurance bill

A protest against GOP efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. California politicians, medical providers and consumer advocates served up harsh critiques of the newly unveiled Senate health care bill Thursday, arguing that the proposed...

Universal Health Insurance? Why?

Walter McClure, Alain Enthoven, and Tim McDonald The Congressional health care debate has become a war between two seemingly irreconcilable extremes, coverage versus budget control. Health care is a right, thunders Bernie Sanders (I-VT). There’s...

These insurance stocks look like winners as Trump whacks at Obamacare

Critical information for the U.S. trading day It’s Friday the 13th, and the bears surely are ready to see our relentless bull market finally run into a bit of bad luck. The edifice of Obamacare certainly...

Health insurance comes at a cost but so does not having it

As the the newly revised Senate health care bill is floundering and Americans still have no clarity on what will happen to health care policy in the U.S., we check in with East Hannon,...

Bernie Sanders to push for govt – funded healthcare and abolition of private insurance

The issue has the potential to split the Democratic party Senator Bernie Sanders is relaunching his push for a government-funded healthcare system, but the move could further divide Democrats on a key issue as the...

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