How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

You can’t pinpoint the ideal amount of life insurance you should buy down to the penny. But you can make a sound estimate if you consider your current financial situation and imagine what your...

Senators Find Agreement On Obamacare Payments, Only To Have Trump Flip-Flop On Them

The president took two different positions in a span of hours. Who knows what comes next.

The night John McCain killed the GOP’s health-care fight

It was the most dramatic night in the United States Senate in recent history. Just ask the senators who witnessed it. A seven-year quest to undo the Affordable Care Act collapsed — at least for...

Should you create a Medicaid trust?

Proper Medicaid planning can help you with long-term care one day When it’s time to pay long-term care costs, your income from savings, pensions or other sources may be too little to cover nursing care...

Sanders introduces universal health care, backed by 15 Democrats

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation Wednesday that would expand Medicare into a universal health insurance program with the backing of at least 15 Democratic senators — a record level of support for an...

Kudlow: With this tax cut, Trump and the GOP are on the side of...

With President Donald Trump's signing of the big tax-cut bill, the GOP snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Suddenly, the political and economic landscapes have changed. The Republican party has turned the tables...

The best insurance policies to have in your 30s

There are the insurance policies to consider getting when you hit your 30s. If you're in your 30s you're probably starting to make some serious life decisions. You may be thinking about renting or buying a...

The Controversy That Finally Killed the Senate Health Care Bill

The Senate health care bill appears to be dead—done in by the Republican Party's inability to agree on a basic philosophical question: Should healthy Americans have to subsidize the sick? This is the quandary that...

Health care truth GOP must accept…

America doesn't want a free market yet. Do Republicans want us to drift toward single payer? That's what will happen unless they adopt shared goals and accept incremental progress. Republicans in Washington have thus far...

Trump Says Trade War May Be Averted If China’s Xi Lowers Tariffs

President Donald Trump said the U.S. may be able to avoid a trade war with China if Beijing is willing to open its market more to American products, offering a path away from a...

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