Rudy Giuliani accused of affair with married N.H. hospital administrator

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who already has his hands full trying to defend President Trump, is being accused of having an affair with a married New Hampshire hospital administrator. The New York Post...

Trump Campaign Secretly Paying $180,000 A Year To His Sons’ Significant Others

Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle are each receiving $15,000 per month through the campaign manager’s private company, GOP sources said, to dodge FEC rules. President Donald Trump’s campaign is secretly paying one Trump son’s wife...

Trump’s Stormy Daniels problem gets worse

President Trump’s Stormy Daniels problem is getting worse. The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she is ready to spill the beans about a 2006 extramarital sexual encounter with the president now...

Shakira Could Face Prison After Police Enquiry

Shakira could be facing jail after being accused of tax evasion. The 40-year-old Columbian singer is being investigated by the Spanish tax authorities, who’ve put out a request for prosecutors to look into her financial...

Pence: ‘I should have worn a mask at the Mayo Clinic’

The vice president’s reversal came after a sharp backlash to his flouting the institution’s policy. Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday said that he should have worn a mask when visiting the Mayo Clinic, a...

‘Dangerous idiot’: Trump says ‘germ is so brilliant antibiotics can’t keep up with it’

President describes virus as ‘very smart’, ‘a brilliant enemy’, and ‘a genius’, on same day more than 2,000 US citizens die from Covid-19 The day coronavirus became the number one cause of death among Americans,...

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Ṃạḷẹ Ṃạştụṛbạtịọṇ Aşş Şẹx Ðọḷḷ fọṛ Adụḷt Şẹx Ṭọy wįṭh Ḅįg Ḅụṭṭ ạṇd Ṭọṛşọ fọṛ Ṃẹṇ Ṃạşṭụṛạbạṭįọṇ Ḷįfẹ-Ṥįzẹd Ṃạşṭụṛbạṭọṛ Ṛẹạłįşṭįç Ṿįṛgįṇ Ṿạgįṇạ ạṇd Ạṇạł Ṥṭṛọḳẹṛ fọṛ Ṃẹṇ 3 ḷṇ 1 Ạdụłłṭ Šêxy Ṭọy by...

Putin Confesses He Lied to Melania

During an interview for an upcoming documentary “World Order 2018,” Russia’s President Vladimir Putin admitted to having lied to the US First Lady Melania Trump… about the size of the fish he had caught. The...

Joe Biden slams Trump for bungling coronavirus response in ‘He Knew’ ad

Joe Biden slammed President Trump Saturday over his failure to contain the coronavirus crisis in a new digital ad. The Democratic presidential front-runner detailed Trump’s statements downplaying the severity of the crisis even as the...

Donald Trump ‘Caught Having Sex With Waitress In Corridor’

A British businessman who worked on a building project with President Donald Trump, claims he caught him having sex with a waitress during a business meeting. Peter de Savary, the former owner of Skibo Castle...

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