Bernie Sanders to push for govt – funded healthcare and abolition of private insurance

The issue has the potential to split the Democratic party Senator Bernie Sanders is relaunching his push for a government-funded healthcare system, but the move could further divide Democrats on a key issue as the...

What’s Next In The Health Care Debate?

Senate Republicans have at least narrowed the options on what comes next for the Affordable Care Act — casting two separate votes since Tuesday that knocked out a "repeal-only" proposal and rejected a plan...

SCOTUS and Trump promote lies and deception in place of reproductive health care

The recent Supreme Court decision in NIFLA v. Becerra struck down a California law that required so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs) to disclose whether they are licensed medical facilities, and what health services they...

Best and worst auto insurance companies

Thinking about shopping your auto insurance? A huge percent of people never shop their insurance needs — and that’s a bad idea considering that modern American business punishes loyalty, rather than rewarding it. Car insurance...

Warren Says Democrats Lack Guts to Take on ‘Billionaire Class’

Comes after she criticized other Democrats during Dodd-Frank fight Sen. Elizabeth Warren criticized fellow Democrats who voted for interests of the “billionaire class” over those of most Americans. “Until we have all of the Democrats who...

John McCain Can Stop This Health Care Bill

But will he? The fate of health care for millions of Americans may, once again,...

Cost of family health insurance tops $22,000 this year

The annual report shows health plan premiums continued their steady rise during the pandemic as employers expanded access to mental health care. Nursing student Joanna Aguilar, left, gives a vaccination to Maria Isabel Cruz at...

Think Obamacare Repeal Won’t Affect Kids? Think Again.

Flint and its water crisis offer a case study in the program’s value to children. Republicans eager to justify the severe Medicaid cuts in their Obamacare repeal proposals have offered up a number of arguments....

GOP Senators Still Frustrated With Obamacare Repeal Bill…

Still Doing Nothing About It, It would take just three to make their leadership listen A bunch of Republican senators are frustrated with leadership plans to pass a sweeping health care bill with almost no...

Senate rejects funding bill, partial shutdown begins

Senators voted late Friday to reject a House-passed bill that would have funded the government until Feb. 16, beginning a partial government shutdown. Most Democrats voted to block the bill as part of a risky...

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