The late-night host responds to Trump’s “unhinged” NFL rant.

“Late Night” host Seth Meyers summed up the controversies surrounding President Donald Trump’s past weekend with one sentence:

“Our president is an asshole,” Meyers said Monday.

Meyers quoted Buffalo Bills player LeSean McCoy, who tweeted the same sentiment after Trump called NFL players who knelt during the national anthem “sons of bitches” and said they should be fired.

Meyers added, “Last weekend was in many ways a perfect distillation of Trump’s presidency ― feeding his base racial and cultural resentments in order to keep them on his side as his team of corrupt authoritarians try to swindle hard-working Americans out of their health care.”

The host also introduced “Late Night” writer Amber Ruffin to respond directly to Trump’s NFL rant.

“This is about racial inequality,” Ruffin said. “Look, if you have a problem with black people loudly protesting and silently protesting, then what you have a problem with is black people.”
